Monday, June 04, 2007

Texas Bar Journal Profiles a Day in the Life of a Federal Public Defender

The June 2007 issue of the Texas Bar Journal has a collection of articles headlined "A Day in the Life of Government Lawyers." And one of those lawyers happens to be Liz Rogers, Supervisory Assistant Federal Public Defender in Alpine, TX. Here's a snippet:
As Liz Rogers and the members of the Alpine federal public defender’s office arrive at the office on a Monday morning, they inquire about each other’s weekends and plan the workweek ahead. The session evolves into a sort of “show and tell.” One of the lawyers displays a blue candle that features an image of a police officer and is emblazoned with the words “Law Stay Away.” Whether the candle works is debatable, but it seems a fitting image for the public defender’s office. The office can’t keep the law away, of course, but it ensures that defendants receive adequate legal representation.

The article's on page 520 of the bar journal, or you can read it online here. You'll have to contact the Alpine office to find out how to get one of those candles.


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